Deals can be used to record work done that you don’t want to bill for, such as work done internally within your company or work on claims. To complete the information, you can also record different types of work and fees in the Deals module in order to bill for the activities performed. For more information, see the Universal billing via deals article.

Creating a Deal

The first step is to enter a Deal. All details concerning this step can be found in the text Creating a deal. Then you create the billing items to which the fulfillments will be assigned, which is described in the text below.

Creation of a Billing Item of Unbilled Work and Transport Type

You can add unbilled work and transport to the deal on the Billing tab. If the tab does not appear, check the corresponding permissions. You can set the permissions to access the tab in Users and Groups -> Users -> specific user -> Permissions tab -> Deals -> Access to Tabs -> Billing.

You can add unbilled work and transport in the Work and Fees section. To create a new entry, click the  +  icon. If you wish to add an item from the price list, use the + From the Price List of Work button.

When clicked, a window for selecting items will open. Select an item of Unbilled Work and Transport type. For more information on creating price list items, see Price List of Work and Fees. The button to add work and fees from the price list is only displayed if you have permission to access the Price List of Work and Fees. You can set the permission in Users and Groups -> Users -> specific user -> Permissions tab -> Price Lists -> Price Lists of Work and Fees.

Výber neúčtovanej práce a dopravy z cenníka
Figure: Selecting unbilled work and transport from the price list

Use the + button to add a new entry. When clicked, a new window will open. In the upper right corner, you can find toggles to set the way the item will be offered in the linked forms. Their meaning is described in further detail in the Universal Billing via Deals.

Mandatory fields in the form are marked with .

Nastavenie neúčotvanej práce a dopravy
Figure: Setting up unbilled work and transport

Kind of work – Select Unbilled Work and Transport.

Workʼs title – The name of the item that appears in the fulfillment in the billing item selection.

Possible to select

  • In All Types of Fulfillments – The item will be selectable in both non-claim and claim fulfillments.
  • Only in Non-Claim Fulfillments – The item will only be selectable in non-claim fulfillments.

Only in Claim Fulfillments – The item will only be selectable in claim fulfillments. This concerns the fulfillments that are not invoiced. For information on claims, see the text Fulfillments.

Invoicing – Select how the item will be invoiced:

  • Manual – The item will be included in the invoicing process after manual start.
  • Automatic – The item is automatically included in the invoicing process on the selected invoice day of the month.
  • Automatic with Confirmation – The item is included in the invoicing process, which is done automatically, but is completed after confirmation by user.
  • Blocked – The item will not be included in the invoicing process.

Multiple – Select whether the item will remain active after the invoicing process:

  • Yes, Multiple Invoicing – After the invoicing process is done, the item remains active.
  • No, One-time Invoicing – After the invoicing process has run, the item is archived.

Note – A note on the item. It does not appear in the invoice or elsewhere in the CDESK system.

To add an item to the Deal, use the Add button. Select Close to close the window without adding the item.

Internal and Claim Fulfillments

Another way to record unbilled work on the Deal is by using internal and claim fulfillments. You can add both internal and claim fulfillments directly on the deal in the Fulfillments tab. For instructions on how to add fulfillments directly through the deal, see Deals Recording. Fulfillments added via tasks, requests, and work orders that are linked to the selected deal are also transferred to the tab. Detailed information about adding fulfillments to a request can be found HERE, about adding them to tasks can be found HERE and on about adding them to work orders HERE.

Fulfillments tab on deal
Figure: Fulfillments tab on deal

You can use internal fulfillments to record the actions performed internally on a request or task linked to a deal. Internal tasks can be invoiced as long as they are linked to invoice fulfillments. For information about entering internal fulfillments and a more detailed description of them, see Internal Fulfillments.

Interné plnenie nebude fakturované pokiaľ nemá väzbu na fakturačné plnenie
Figure: Internal fulfillment will not be invoiced unless it is linked to an invoice fulfillment

Claim fulfillment is intended to distinguish work on claims. Claim fulfillment can be either invoicing or internal fulfillment. For more information on placing claim fulfillments, click HERE

Reklamačné plnenie nebude fakturované bez ohľadu na to, či ide o fakturačné alebo interné plnenie
Figure: The claim fulfillment will not be invoiced regardless of whether it is an invoice or internal fulfillment

Modifying Selection of Fulfillments and Goods Items When Creating an Invoice

The billing item of the Unbilled Work and Transport type and internal fulfillments are not automatically displayed when issuing an invoice. (For instructions on how to issue an invoice, see Universal Billing via Deals.)

However, in the invoice preview you can also manually mark other types of billing items as items that will not be invoiced. Likewise, you can also select invoicing fulfillments under these billing items. For more information on editing items in an invoice, see Universal Billing via Deals.

Neoznačená položka nebude fakturovaná, hoci ide o fakturačnú položku
Figure: Unmarked item will not be invoiced despite it is an invoice item