Google authentication is used to increase security and simplify logging into CDESK. There are no settings required outside of CDESK itself to connect CDESK to Google, so it is very simple. You must have your own CDESK/CM server domain to use this feature.
Users who have a Google email associated with their CDESK account will be able to sign in. However, the system also allows new customer accounts to be created automatically. If your email address or domain is one of the allowed domains for a particular company, you will be able to create an account without administrator intervention. You can read more about this feature in the article Self-service creation of customer accounts.
The setup procedure is described below.
To create a connection, you need to add the Google Authentication API connector to CDESK. Go to CDESK→ Global Settings→ Connectors, API. This will open a list of connectors and APIs that are currently configured on your CDESK server. To add a new connector, click the +Add connector, button located in the top right hand corner.
When clicked, a new window will open with the connector type selection. Select Google Authentication and click Continue.
This will then open the form for configuring the Google Authentication connector. Fields marked with a • symbol are required. Description of each field:
Connector type • – Automatically pre-populates the connector you selected in the previous step.
Title • – The name by which the connector will appear in the connector list.
Enabled – Enable or disable connector activity. Disable this switch if you do not want to use the connector.
Allow new customer accounts to be created in CDESK – If enabled, users from enabled domains who do not already have an account in CDESK will be able to create a user account after successful authentication via Google. The setup of this feature is described in more detail below in the article Self-service creation of customer accounts.
Note: If you see the message The specified URL is not included among the authorized redirect URIs for Google login. Please contact your system administrator to add it to the list of authorized addresses, ask your administrator to add your domain to the list of authorized domains.
Go to Users and Groups→ Users. In the list, open the user account you want to link and scroll down to the General Settings tab.
Once the configuration of the Google Authentication connector is complete, the Login via Google – use contact email switch will be enabled by default for all accounts, so the contact email set will be used for authentication.
However, if you need to use a different email, disable the switch and enter your Google email in the Google account email for pairing field. Save your settings using the Save button in the bottom right corner.
After configuring the Google Authentication connector, the CDESK login screen will display a button to log in via Google.
Clicking this will take you to the Google login page, where you’ll need to authenticate with your credentials. If you are already signed in to your browser, authentication will be automatic and you will be immediately redirected to CDESK without having to re-enter your credentials.