What’s new in CDESK 3.0.181

22. júna 2020
Version 3.0.181 improves working with invoices, brings history of changes to offers and more.

TOP new features – June 22, 2020

Report of the invoice attachment

When issuing an invoice, it is now possible to generate an XLS report of the invoice attachment.

Tlačidlo pre export prílohy k faktúre
Tlačidlo pre export prílohy k faktúre
XLS report prílohy k faktúre
XLS report prílohy k faktúre
Editing an issued invoice

The new version of CDESK also brought other possibilities of working with orders. Issued invoices can now be edited.

Editácia vystavenej faktúry
Editácia vystavenej faktúry

It is also possible to add new items to the invoice and edit existing ones. When you change the unit price or quantity, the total amount per item as well as the invoice amount is automatically recalculated. It is also possible to add or detach fulfillments for individual items.

Úprava položiek na vystavenej faktúre
Úprava položiek na vystavenej faktúre
Pridávanie a odpájanie plnení na položkách faktúry
Pridávanie a odpájanie plnení na položkách faktúry

Issued invoices can only be edited by users with appropriate permissions.

Recording changes in offers

With the new update, the offer form has been expanded with History tab, which contains records of offer creation and other changes. What is recorded:

  • The user who created the offer, the creation time and the data with which the offer was created
  • The user who added items to the offer, the time they were added and the contents of the items
  • The user who edited the offer, the editing time and what data they changed or deleted
  • Change of the offer status and user, the time of the change and user who made the change
  • Time of item verification and the user who verified the items
  • The time of acceptance / rejection of offer items and the user who performed the action.
Záložka História na ponuke
Záložka História na ponuke

Permissions to access the History and Discussion tabs and permission to other settings have also been added to offers.

Nové oprávnenia pre ponuky
Nové oprávnenia pre ponuky
Create invoice fulfillments from several internal fulfillments directly in the request

If your request contains multiple internal fulfillments, you can now combine them in bulk into a single invoice fulfillment. This significantly simplifies the invoicing of work performed.


Označenie viacerých interných plnení, z ktorých bude vytvorené jedno fakturačné plnenie
Označenie viacerých interných plnení, z ktorých bude vytvorené jedno fakturačné plnenie
History of discussion in customer notification in requests

A new variable has been added to the notification templates that will display the entire request discussion in the customer notification. The person who created the post, the time of creation, the content of the post and its recipient are recorded in the history.

Nastavenie šablóny s premennou %DISCUSION_HISTORY% na zobrazenie histórie diskusie
Nastavenie šablóny s premennou %DISCUSION_HISTORY% na zobrazenie histórie diskusie
Zákaznícka notifikácia diskusného príspevku v zjednodušenom formáte
Zákaznícka notifikácia diskusného príspevku v zjednodušenom formáte
List of all CDESK updates 3.0.181 >